Pricing – Web Hosted System

Advisors Assistant comes in several different versions and offers various modules and download services to tailor it to fit your specific needs.

Make sure to read up on our Minimum Hardware Requirements for whichever version you’re interested in using.

Call 800-799-4267 to order or for more details.

Every Advisors Assistant Comes With:

  • World Class 800 Line Technical Support
  • Software Updates
  • A 30 Day Money Back Guarantee
  • FREE Training Webinars

The Advisors Assistant Web Hosted CRM for Financial Advisors is on a month to month basis. Pricing is based on the number of people using the program and the number of modules chosen. There is no contractual obligation and the service can be discontinued at any time. You can switch to the locally based Advisors Assistant or you can purchase a backup of your data for a nominal fee. Monthly payments can be made via checking account debit or credit card.  Pricing is as follows:

Module addons License Cost Insurance Module Insurance + Investments Module Additional Mobile User
CRM Core $ 55.00 $ 3.00
CRM Insurance $ 110.00 $ 3.00
CRM Complete $ 144.00 $ 3.00
Additional Addons Monthly Cost  
Weekly Hosted Backup $ 6.00  
ReadyDoc $ 62.00  
Transaction Downloads $ 100.00  

*prices are Monthly

Prefer a local system over a web-hosted one? We also offer an on-premise, computer-based option. Click here or call 800-799-4267 toll-free to receive a quote and learn more.

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