Portfolio Management & Reporting
Advisors Assistant Portfolio Management System helps you keep track of all of your client’s investments either manually, or you can download daily investment transactions and prices from a variety of different sources.
With our Unique View Screens you can see a summary of a client’s investments at any time. Brokerage accounts and individual accounts are all combined in one place.
The main View Client screen shows a summary of the client’s accounts, or double click on any single account to drill down and see more details about that account including time and dollar weighted rates of return.
You can also double-click on any individual investment, and view even more detail about that client’s single investment.
With The Advisors Assistant Investment Module You Can:
- Track mutual funds, stocks, bonds, cash accounts, variable annuities, variable life, and more
- Calculate both time and dollar weighted rates of return for any period of time for individual investments, an entire account, and your client’s entire portfolio
- Download daily transactions and prices from DAZL; DST FAN Mail; Fidelity/NFS; First Clearing; LPL; Mid Atlantic Capital Group; Pershing; RBC; Sterne Agee Group; Schwab; SEI; TD Ameritrade; Trust Company of America; Wedbush Morgan; and others. Download daily account positions from Albridge, Black Diamond, GWN, and Orion
- Track investment valuation histories. Advisors Assistant stores a history of all transactions from the time you start downloading forward, or you can enter and store historical transactions manually. Historical data is not removed unless you tell Advisors Assistant to delete it.
- Save time with many Software Integrations with other Financial Services programs
- Print a variety of Investment Reports, including combined statements, asset allocation graphs, and performance reports
- Update Security Prices and Index Values from any standard source and include Index Values on client performance reports.
“I believe Advisors Assistant is the best contact manager and portfolio manager available for many reasons. I track all of my client relationships and download all of my investments from DST, DAZL, Pershing and Schwab. I can Household accounts for reports, and I can set my own dates for reports. I also have the Basis on all of my client accounts, and that’s not being purged into archives somewhere. My office uses Advisors Assistant all day long, and it gives me my independence.”
Every Advisors Assistant Comes With:
- World Class 800 Line Technical Support
- Software Updates
- A 30 Day Money Back Guarantee
- FREE Training Webinars