#65 Building Relationships with Your Clients’ Children
Building Relationships with Your Client’s Children
Did you know that approximately $30 TRILLION of wealth will be shifting to the next generations in a few decades*? Are you positioning yourself to retain your clients’ wealth when it shifts?
66% of adult children fire their parent’s advisor when they gain control*. You can keep this from happening by starting to build relationships with your clients’ children NOW.—Advisors Assistant will help you do this.
With the Advisors Assistant Household feature, you can easily track children and other family members. Advisors Assistant helps you stay in touch with these children to build that all-important relationship, so they’ll keep you as their advisor for all of their financial decisions.
Advisors Assistant’s View Client with Household screen groups family members together under one Household, but each individual has their own record in the database. The Household feature can be used for combined reporting and gives you quick access to the other members’ names.
The addresses and phone numbers can also be linked to each member of the household so if they move, you only need to update the contact information once. To create a Household and group the contact information, first you need to decide who is the Head of Household and check the box on that person’s Modify Name Screen. Then you can click on the Add button from the View Client with Household Screen to add household members, and link the Address and Phone Number to all members.
As the children get older and start needing financial advice, they’ll already have a record in your database that shows the history of your notes and correspondence, as well as any hobbies or areas of interest you’ve noted throughout the years. This gives you a huge advantage over any other advisor out there.
The Advisors Assistant View Client with Links feature is another way to track the relationships of contacts in your database. You can easily tie family members together and show their relationships through links, without going through the steps to create a household. Once the names are linked together, you can quickly switch back and forth between their records.
Just another way Advisors Assistant helps maintain relationships not only with your current clients but also prospective and future clients!
* Source: Interactive Advisory Software