Price & Index Uploader: Suggested Data Sources
In order to provide more flexibility for our users we have not restricted this new feature to any one data source. Files may be obtained from a number of reputable locations.
Price & Index Uploader: File Format
The Price & Index updated uses a simple .CSV file to obtain pricing information.
Maintaining Indexes
In order to use an index in your performance reports you must first add a symbol and name to the Investment Module. This is this is done in the “Maintain Indexes” modal window, which can be accessed in one of two areas.
Advisors Assistant Web Hosted Connection Setup Instructions
The Web Hosted Advisors Assistant requires the installation of the Station Program that acts as a secure encrypted portal to your database on our web server. This is considered the most secure method of accessing a web hosted database.
Price & Index Uploader
The Price & Index Uploader is a feature that enables mass update of securities prices and/or index values using .CSV/flat files containing rows of price data.