#74 Departments
Did you know that you can now set up Departments in Advisors Assistant which include a group of Advisors Assistant Users that work within the same section of your company? Instead of having to add a task or send a message to each individual User, you can now select the Department which will automatically include all Advisors Assistant Users within that specific Department.
Departments are set up by an Administrator by clicking on Admin | Users and Departments | Departments. You can include as many Users within each Department as you would like, and each User can also be a part of multiple Departments.
Each Department is automatically set up with its own Calendar so when you add a task to the Department, each individual Advisors Assistant User within the Department will have access to that task. Departments are especially useful in workflows because a workflow task can be assigned to a Department.
Each individual User can decide if they’d like Department events to show on their calendar or not. If you have any events in a Department calendar you’re a member of, there will be an icon on your calendar notifying you. You can then open your Department calendar to see the Department events if you’re not already viewing those events in your User calendar.
When sending an internal message, you can also select the Department Group if the message is intended for all individuals within the Department.
Just another way Advisors Assistant helps save you precious time throughout the work day!