#51 Advisors Assistant Workflow Library

Dec 18, 2015

Did you know that there is an Advisors Assistant Workflow Library where you can share and view Workflow Templates that you have created and that have been created by other Advisors Assistant users? You can import Workflow Templates that are already posted to the library or share your own useful Master Workflows for others to import into their database! The workflows are also editable once you import them into your Advisors Assistant so they can even just be used as a starting point to build on.

To open the Workflow Library, go to the Help Drop-down Menu at the top of your Advisors Assistant View Screen and click on Resource Library. The Resource Library Webpage will then open in your browser.


Within the Resource Library, click on Workflow Library to view the Workflow Templates and Instructions for uploading or importing the Workflows.


Please send us your Workflow Templates to help expand the library! The steps to import and share Workflow Templates are available right within the Workflow Library. You will need to have Security Rights to perform these functions.

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