#31 Globally Searching Notes

Dec 18, 2015

Did you know that you can search through your entire Advisors Assistant database for notes with a specific keyword or even notes entered by a specific user within a specified date range? This way you don’t have to comb through hundreds of notes to find the information you are looking for.

To get to the Search Notes Screen, go to the Tools Menu at the top of your View Screen and click on Search All Notes. The screen below will open.


You can then enter in the criteria that you wish to use for the search. You can enter a specific user name, date range, keyword, and even note topic. Once you enter in the appropriate criteria, click on Apply Filter and only the notes that meet your criteria will show in the grid. From there, you can print the selected notes or even highlight the note and go directly to the contact record where the note is located.

To start a new search, just click on the Clear Filter button and start entering in the new criteria.

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