#26 Insurance Exclusion Reports
Insurance Exclusion Reports
Did you know that you can actually search for clients who DO NOT have a particular type of Insurance Coverage or a particular Policy? This is a great marketing tool to help you find sales opportunities amongst those clients who have one kind of insurance, but not some other type of policy.
We have included a step-by-step Wizard to help you run the report. To get to the Wizard, click on the Reports Drop-Down
Menu at the top of your view screen and choose Insurance Exclusion Reports. Below is Step 1 of 4 which shows how you
would begin the process. The first part of the Wizard is like the Selection Reports. It is based on fields that match. The second part of the Wizard is based on finding people who DO NOT match a certain criteria.
For example, the first part of the wizard will let you choose what producer’s clients to include who DO have a specific coverage plan already. The second part of the wizard allows you to identify what plans and policies the clients DO NOT already have.
Once you run the Wizard and find a list of names, you can print reports, print letters, send emails, or export the names to a file – the same options as when you run Selection Reports to assist you with your marketing.