#4 Multiple Ways To Lookup A Contact
Lookup a Contact by Name, Email, Phone Number, And More!
Did You Know that you can quickly lookup a name in your Advisors Assistant in many different ways?
The Lookup Name Icon in the Advisors Assistant Toolbar offers more than one way to find a name in your database. Just clicking on the binoculars opens the regular Name Lookup Screen. But clicking on the black arrow on the Lookup Name Icon gives you even more ways to find a name in your Advisors Assistant – such as finding a name by Email Address, or Tax ID number.
And once you open any of the Lookup Screens, you can also click on the columns within the screens to find a name by the additional information on the screen.
For example, if you can only remember someone’s first name:
- Open the regular Name Lookup (click on the Binoculars.)
- Click on the column title “First Name.”
- Type the First Name into the Lookup Field.
- Find your name!
Advisors Assistant makes finding the name you’re looking for in your database Fast & Easy!