#52 Partners Sidebar

Dec 18, 2015

Did you know that your Advisors Assistant System Administrator can decide which Integration Partners show up on your Partners Sidebar? Advisors Assistant integrates with many industry companies to help increase office efficiency, and they are easily accessible through the Partners Sidebar in your Advisors Assistant database.


Although there are many Integration Partners to use, we know that you probably won’t be using them all. This is why we give the System Administrators the option to hide certain Partner Icons from the Sidebar if they won’t be utilized. The order of the icons can also be modified to show the most-used icons at the top of the list.

To modify the Partner Sidebar, log in as a System Administrator and go to Admin | System Preferences. Click on the Partners Tab to get to your options.


From here, you can decide which Partner Icons appear on the user’s Sidebar as well as the order in which they appear. These changes will be applied to the entire Advisors Assistant database.

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