#7 Right-Click on Calendar Events

Dec 14, 2015

Instant Access to Contact’s View Screen from Calendar Events

Did you know that you can quickly go to a contact’s main View Screen directly from any Calendar Event?

Since the Advisors Assistant Calendar opens in its own window, you can keep it open all day as you work. If you have two monitors on your desk you can have the Advisors Assistant program open on one monitor and the Calendar open on the
other. As you’re going through your appointments, tasks, and calls you may want to go to the contact name’s View Screen to review the latest notes or other information.

As long as you’ve linked the Calendar Event to a contact name using the WITH section, you can just Right-Click on any Calendar Event to instantly move to that contact’s name in the Advisors Assistant database. Just Right-Click and select “Go
To Name” and then select the contact’s name.


If more than one name is linked to the Calendar Event, as in the example above, you’ll see all of the names associated with that Event so you can select the name you wish to view. You can right-click from any Appointment or Task/Call.

And don’t forget that you can synchronize the Advisors Assistant Calendar with Outlook to take your schedule with you on your mobile devices! If you haven’t been using the built-in Advisors Assistant Calendar you may want to check it out – it has
many features to help you track your daily schedule and make sure you don’t miss any important follow-ups.

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