#25 View DST Vision from Advisors Assistant
Did you know that you have direct access to DST Vision Account information from the Advisors Assistant View Client with Investment Accounts screen? Now you won’t have to go to the browser and log into your Vision Webpage each time you want to access that information!
If you are downloading investments from DST Fan Mail, you can go to either your Vision Home Page or the Account Page to view all of your client’s related DST Vision accounts.
Once you have a DST Vision Account set up (to sign up, go to http://www.dstvision.com/ and click on the Sign Up Now Button), you will need to set up DST Vision in Advisors Assistant. Below are the steps to set up Vision in your Advisors Assistant.
- Click on Admin | Maintain Producers on the Top Menu
- Double click on the Producer’s Name on the Producer Lookup
Screen - Fill in the DST Vision ID and DST Vision Password and Click OK
Now you are ready to use the DST Vision Single Sign-On Access! Just right-click on the Account from the View Client with Account Screen OR right-click on any investment in the Account from the View Account with Investments Screen.
You’ll then be brought directly to that client’s main page in Vision or to that exact account within the Vision website, depending on which option you choose.